I don't know about you, but making 3 meals a day + snacks for my kids gets old real quick! I have found that deciding what to make them for breakfast before school takes as long or longer than actually preparing breakfast, and I'm the one in our house who has the background in nutrition. I can only imagine how daunting other families may find this activity.
This year is going to be different. This was the first week of school for my 2nd grader and Kindergartener and we are already feeling the breakfast blues and lunch lags, mundane tasks that no one wants to do again and again.
Here you have it! A menu for lunch, 4 days a week. The 5th day is kid's choice. I think we will let them pick their lunch for Mondays so we can discuss on Sundays and help them get out of bed in a timely manner knowing they have some control over their day. Fridays will be kids choice breakfast. Obviously trying to have some balance, but also fun! My kids love a good croissant (who doesn't?) and we will treat them to donuts once in a great while. It's everything in moderation in our house, not the nutrition police!
Our oldest often feels like life is all about being told what to do and when. I'm hoping that by knowing what to expect and then also giving them a day where they get to call the shots, perhaps he might think it's not so bad. Do your kids ever feel out of control and meals become a power struggle?
Download this and make it your own. Change it by season or laminate it! Attached is a pre-filled lunch menu that we use, while there are fill-in-the-blank menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner also. 4 days a week makes for some flexibility if you enjoy sharing meals with friends and family or eating out. We would love it if you posted it on social media @rootandfruitnutrition and tagged us in your newsfeed or stories. Enjoy!